If you price out buying hay feeders, you will find that they can cost a bit more money than you might think. If you keep animals, it is always a good thing when you can save some money by building things for their needs out of items that you currently have or could obtain at minimum cost. Of course, recycling old products into something new and usable is an important part of a sustainable lifestyle as well. You probably have seen many ideas to reuse old pallets, so here is one more useful one!
Ohio Thoughts offers the following about how to build a wood pallet Hay Feeder:
"What I learned researching hay feeders is that there are hundreds of kinds, models and styles, made out of numerous different things. And that it's OK if you want to purchase one, and OK to build one, whatever works at your farm and for your animals.
Ohio Thoughts offers the following about how to build a wood pallet Hay Feeder:
"What I learned researching hay feeders is that there are hundreds of kinds, models and styles, made out of numerous different things. And that it's OK if you want to purchase one, and OK to build one, whatever works at your farm and for your animals.
I am and have always been a re-user, a recycler, a savager
and re-claimer, so this was what works best for me in the end.
The cost was next to nothing, the pallet was free, I
salvaged the old piece of 2 x 4, the only cost was a handful of drywall screws
and my time: Less than 2 hours.
It is winter here so this feeder is perfect for now. Come spring and warmer weather, I may redo
this with straigher lines and
"perfect" cuts, but
maybe not."
Read the full article with step by step photos: Easy Hay Feeder
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